The performance took place at a Masonic Lodge in Chula Vista. It was truly an odd locale, but it turned out to be a great show.
The quality of the recording isn't the greatest, but one would never guess it was recorded on a portable cassette recorder with either a cheap or built-in mic. I brought the recorder to interview the group for a fanzine I contributed to at the time, Technology Works. Recording the concert was an afterthought considering the equipment I was using. I brought extra blank tape in case of an emergency and figured I might as well record as much of the multiple sets with the extra space.
I still remember, during the interview, they were hand decorating the first edition of their Vienna 1990 CDs.
There was a modern/interpretive dancer who performed during their set. I remember years ago seeing on-line pictures of her from other shows on that tour, but a quick GIS didn't produce any.
Also on the bill were ADRV (a trimmed down Crash Worship) and Randy Greif. I plan to post what I recorded from those sets in the next few days. If I can dig up a copy of the zine/interview, I will scan and post that as well...
There are about 80 minutes in total that I was able to record (pt.1 is 51 min, and pt.2 is 29 min). I do not recall how long the actual performance lasted. I think it is a great document of their style at the time, and hope you will appreciate it as well. If anyone reading this is not familiar with their output, but enjoys this post, I strongly urge tracking down their mid/late-80's to early 90's releases for starters, although there is probably very little of their music that I dislike.
Enjoy pt.1
Enjoy pt.2
Really excited by this, thank you. Hope it's good. Was it the US tour organized by Daniel Plunkett for ZF? N.D. is still my favorite music magazine ever. What's yours?
Thank you for your recording !!!
continuo - I still read the Wire & Wax Poetics. I like ND too, as well as a few others no longer around (that I'm aware of) like Obsessive Eye & Sound Projector. There are probably many more, but most of my magazines are still boxed up.
paphio23- hope you enjoy it.
I'm looking forward to hearing this one too! Thanks for a unique post & your overall great blog. I encourage your readers to go to Discogs & check out your stock for sale, I'm looking forward to my recent order from you. Any chance you have any of the Bad Alchemy cassettes to post? ESPECIALLY #8 with Cranioclast!! Anyone else reading know where there might be any posts? Thanks again & peace, doc kwan aka pauldient
Paul - thanks for the plug. I'm also looking for that Bad Alchemy (and #4 with ZF). I have a couple other older issues. Perhaps I'll post those in the future...
I have Bad Alchemy # 8. I would gladly post it if I knew steps 1 through 10 on how to do it. Is there a guide somewhere?
I didn't recall that ZF, one of my favorites, was on Bad Alchemy #4. I do not believe I have this item, but better check through all the archives..
It looks like I DO have Bad Alchemy # 4,
with the Zoviet France Track!!
Damon, I was on your show a couple times and did some fill in on KCMU....
Exeter - I would think thee is a guide somewhere, but I don't know one specifically. First, you need audio recording software to record the cassette and save in a compressed format (like mp3). If you have the ability to record, but don't want to deal with the hassle of a file share site, I can always post the file for you...
Oh, Sorry, I've been out of touch.
I could record the ZF track from BA #4, and email an MP3 to somebody to post, if that works.
Exeter - I since realized I already have the track. It was on their CD Collusion. I'm pretty sure that CD has been posted already. -AAA
Of course. "Sprey" . The title hadn't come up. Well I already have the Cranioclast track, "A Granam Caught In A Rat Man's Trap", from Bad Alchemy #8 on an MP3 at 160 KB, if that is still of interest.
Exeter - If you don't want to post it yourself and provide the link here, you can e-mail the file to me and I will post it and put the link here in the comments. my e-mail is the name of this blog with no spaces at gmail.com
Playing this now. Makes up in musical content what it lacks in audio quality ;-) Nice one!
Just want to say a simple thanks for shareing this. Thank you.
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