This is a set from last year for a one-off event at Marx Cafe (another fifth Friday) with Braulio, who will also be joining Sam and myself this Friday.
Some of the music here will likely turn up Friday night during one of my Champion Superior Soundsystem sets. The music is, for the most part, unlike most of what would be posted here, but I expect everyone here has a fairly open mind, so....
Included in this mix are tracks by Snatch, Viv Goldman, Don Cherry, Os Mutantes, Sadistic Mika Band, Tom Ze, Gilberto Gil and others including a Vanity label track not yet posted on-line. Can you spot it?
I would really like to hear feedback on this....
Didn't want you to think that I forgot about your mix. I really, REALLY look forward to hearing it. I am going to download it overnight.
I would have listened to it sooner, although I had emergency surgery last Monday, and am still healing and getting caught up with your blog, as well as Mutant Sounds, The Thing On the Doorstep and Direct Waves. :)
Take good care and thanks so much for all the excellent music you're sharing.
I always look forward to new updates on your blog.
Kind Regards,
OTM - Hope you have a speedy recovery and enjoy the mix.
Just saw all the Mirror posts - look forward to hearing these without wearing my vinyl copies....
Thanks a lot for the good wishes. I appreciate it.
Great mix! I loved every second of it. In fact, I'm playing it again!
At some point, you will have to fess up and tell us where in the mix the Vanity label track is! :O)
I say it's somewhere between 20:00 and 30:00 in the mix. Am I way off?!
Thanks again for running a stellar blog!
Kind Regards,
Glad you enjoy it...
You are correct - the Vanity track comes in just before 23', right after viv goldman.
It is from the Morio Agata LP.
I'll post a complete tracklist at some point.
Sorry if this comes through twice.
Is that track either "R no Kaito" or "Submarine" by chance?
It looks like the album has just been re(released) on CD by the Improvised Music From Japan label.
Excellent stuff. I will try to track down the CD.
I think it's great that you're showcasing otherwise unheard music at your shows.
Wish I lived in D.C. so I could see one live. The last time I was in D.C. was February 1999, visiting a friend who had just gotten a job in the Organizational Development Department at MCI Worldcom. And we all know how well things turned out for Worldcom. :O)
Lots of good times back then, nonetheless. And, heck, I was still in my 20s back then too!!!
Not sure about the track title. They are all in Japanese. That track is side A #3.
Do you have a link about the reissue? I thought I read that somewhere too, but nothing shows up on the label's website.
It sounds like a CD on the mix, though -- not vinyl. That's why I thought it was the CD reissue. You must have a REALLY clean vinyl copy (and a great record player!).
Check here for the CD reissue:
That track on your mix CD is called "Submarine," apparently.
OTM - thanks for the link. I knew I saw that before, but I must have backed into that page some other way.
My copy was still sealed when I purchased it. I think I played it once and recorded it digitally.
For the mix, I probably played it via my ipod, or perhaps the vinyl itself....
I wonder if anyone in US/EU will be stocking the CD..
I wonder if anyone in US/EU will be stocking the CD..
I bet Ear-Rational can special-order it. That guy can get almost anything in stock.
If Anomalous Records was still around, my guess is that they'd stock it.
I'm surprised Forced Exposure doesn't have it.
Perhaps I will look into stocking it.
Haven't been bringing in too many new titles these days, but that may change soon...
Fantastic mix! Well done....
that's really nice ; ) im not used to kind of music but i like it , do you have the playlist ? I would like to try more of that
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